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fabric:Original title: Gansu responded =□▼”Poverty Alleviation Road Brush Coatings Even”: Starting the Accountable Procedure Reporter Reporter from the Gansu Provincial Government, the Gansu Provincial Government-☆, was informed: the CCTV reported the Canto Road Kola Tunnel to cut the workers, Gansu Province Last work: First▪=△□, on the basis of the provincial transportation department☆△, on April 1▽=, the Provincial Transportation Department has established a special investigation work group, and the owners and construction units will organize the entry, and immediately improve the project quality and safety•◇-; organize experts The test assessment of the quality and safety of Cauca tunnels is performed, and the full line of the Fanda Highway will conduct quality and safety testing◇•; the Fanding Highway is investigated from project project, construction, capital◁-◁◆, and management. Second▪▼…◆, on the basis of transportation control, traffic▲=▲▲, safety supervision▼-, public security and other departments are responsible●•, arrange specialists 24 hou△◁△!

Original title: It is recommended to cancel the scope of legal aid, limit the existing legal aid, and does not match the requirements of “Aid”△●. Legal aid is a legal security system, which is organized by the governments legal aid agencies, providing consulting, agents•★, criminal defense-☆, such as citizenship and special cases, and a legal guarantee system such as consultation▪○=-, agents, criminal defense. my countrys legal aid system has been established to now, has gone over more than 20 years▷△, and todays social aid rates are constantly improving. In May 2015, the 12th meeting of the Central Committee of the Reform Leading Group was reviewed to adopt the ▼■☆◁”Opinions on Perfecting Legal Aid System”, and General Secretary Xi Jinping also published an important speech on the work of legal aid. But also to see that the existing legal aid system limit will be ve•▷.

Original title: pay attention blank clothing! Liaoning Maritime Safety Administration WARNING WARNING On April 21, the Liaoning Maritime Safety Administration website continued: announcement of 20 days to 28th, some of the sea areas of the Huangbai Sea implement military tasks=…, and any vessel must not enter the sea in the above time. The specific information is as follows□○◇, the Liao Air Police 0081 Bohai Strait Yellow Sea, on April 20th to 2700, at 1. 38 ° 5141 •▪”N121 ° 3812◆=…” E2. 38 ° 3412 □○•=”N121 ° 3812″ E3. 38 ° 3355 =▲”N121 ° 0751△▲” E4. The 38 ° 4813 –▷”N121 ° 1403″ E-order is implemented within the connection range. No ent!

Original title: China about 1/4 ovarian cancer patients have BRCA gene mutation experts recommended high-risk people to detect new Beijing News (Reporter Zhang Xiulan) actor Angelina Jolie accepts ovaries and fallopian tube preventive resection surgery to let BRCA genes enter the public vision Today (March 6) released “Sudentably, the unknown” BRCA Ovarian Cancer Charity Care Project (hereinafter referred to as Sudoku Project) showed that about 1/4 of Chinas ovarian cancer patients carry BRCA embryo mutation. The auditor is initiated by the China Womens Development Foundation★▼△, Aslikang, China, Fushi Medical Support☆□◆. Since its launch, the project has been launched in 14 cities across the country, and 1091 patients with ovarian cancer have been submitted, and a total of 983 patients are freely based on whit◁▽.

Original title△•◆•: Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei will analyze the “three characteristics of•■▪▼” three characteristics ▼★”in this pollution process (Reporter Deng Qi) from March 11th to 14th, China, Beijing▲☆•-, China In the southern part of Tianjin, the southern part of Shanxi and the northern part of Henan may occur in the north of Henan•●□. In response to the above, the national atmospheric pollution prevention and control joint center organized experts to predict analysis of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and the surrounding pollution situation▼●◁, deputy director of the joint center○◆★, the vice president of China Environmental Science Research Institute However, there are three characteristics of long duration•●, large influence…•☆▽, and poor meteorological conditions in this pollution process. On March 11th to 14th▼▽, the predictive region is unfavorable and meteorological conditions continue to be stable, and there may be a long-term regional strong reversal temperature, and near the ground humidity is larg sustainable polyester!automotive textile manufacturers denim fabric near me textiles for packaging,