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marine litter:Original title: 140 people sent more than 180 people to record more than 5,500 speeches, forming more than 400 suggestions … “Listening” national two sessions•□◇, this year is very busy! =▽▲▼”Hello, I am Li Shixin, deputy director of the Ministry of Transport, and the proposal for you◆-●, our topic.=●” On the afternoon of March 8, Yang Hua, who met Yang Hua in the resident, in the station▲•◆, visited the transportation of the specialty home response Comrades in the Ministry of Environmental Protection◁▼★◇. Previously, Yang Huas representative of Guangdong considered the governments work report, proposed suggestions to solve the pollution of marine fuel oil. “The two sectors have conducted in-depth exchanges with me on the status quo of marine fuel oil, and the future work thoughts□•, I have been with me, I am very satisfied with their response speed and reply, I have to work for their wor.

Original title: Han Fang Member◆○☆-: Constitutional Oath System is the National Political Civilization Reflected Han Fang 3rd at the opening ceremony of the 13th National Committee of the National Peoples Political Consultative Conference: Li Meng International Online Report (Reporter Li Meng)•■: 13th National Peoples Congress Today (4th) held a press conference in the morning. Zhang Yucai, a spokesman, said that since the Constitutions oath system, the first time will hold a constitutional oath ceremony at the National Peoples Congress▼●▷△. This will better reflect the dignity of the Constitution, highlight the authority of the Constitution◇▼●•, and promote the spirit of the Constitution. “Zhang Yifeng said••▷, 3 On the morning of the month••, on the morning of the morning▽▷◁, the General Assembly will hold the fifth, sixth, seventh plenary meetings▽◁▷, elections and decisions to appoint national institutions. After these meetings●•…-, the constitutional oath ceremony will be held separately. I just revised recentl.

Original title: Official confirmation of electromagnet gun has been shipped to the talents of the Hao Dynasty “” Global Network Military Report Reporter Zhang Dajun] Women is not letting the eyebrow indoor outdoor fabric fcushions – polyestewith pu coating cyanotype jacquard!! On March 8th, the day before the International Womens Day, the Chinese Navy official news information release platform □=”China Navy Network=□●■” issued title “strength explosion=…” aristoc tights leather lamination! She reported the core member of the Ming Mings universitys innovative team, “National March 8 Red Flag▽○◁•” winners, Zhang Xiao, deputy researcher, Navy Engineering, Zhang Xiao○◁▲▼, the touching deeds on the road of innovation of strong army, let hundreds of millions of military fans moving Zhang Xiao▼△◁▼, a vice researcher of Naval Engineering▽■▲-, Naval Engineering, is mentioned that Zhang Xiao is a core member of the Naval Engineering University Ship Integrated Electricity Technology National Defense Technology Key Laboratory, and the core member of the Ming Wumeoming, As a “a major national defense departme.

Original title: The United States is a big hand to play hands in the fate products that can be recycled! In just one day◆■▼●, the worlds first▼★▼, second economies have repeatedly throwing 50 billion US dollars. The United States has reducing the name of the deficit, and the implementation of trade protection, China is forced to take color, take equal countermeasures=○•. The United States is unreasonable to provoke a trade dispute▽◁■…, and the global public opinion is highly concerned that the international economic and trade community is worried. “Fishing fish”, which is a general view of the worlds major institutions and financial media on the US trade protection measures□▼□△. History and reality have repeatedly proved that economic globalization provides strong motivation for international economic and trade development, promoting commodity and capital flow=…☆▽, science and technology and civilization progress◁•▷•, and peoples communication, the United States is also one of the biggest beneficiaries of economic globalization. In one you have me, I have your worl▷◇★.