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hosiery:Source: China Youth Network # Two Sessions Youth: Struggle when going # [Zhou Wei=★□▽: One person in the disabled students “one person and one case”] 19th big sign language translation Zhou Wei said on the commissioned channel: Teacher will make each special child Develop a education plan, will also develop exclusive education training according to the work, “the best education should be the most suitable education”. She still teaches everyone to learn a sign language •●•”Thank you”…○☆★! Click to enter the special responsibility Editor=•●: Zhang .

The original title is really busy: while playing trade wars and China☆-☆, I still want to shoot Russia-★★! According to the Russian satellite network, I quoted Bloomberg report on March 24. There was a knowledge of informed sources. US President Trump is preparing to expel the Russian diplomat from the United States△▽●□. Listed to poison in this incident. According to reports, Trump agreed with its advisory to expel the diplomat◆◁◁•, and may announce this in March 26. At the same time□■○□, the news is worried that Trumps decisions may not end. According to sources…▪▽◁, Trump hopes to determine one thing, that is, before he expels the diplomat, the United States has taken a similar step to Russia. Previous CNN reported that the US National Security Board recommended US Preside.

Original title-◆○: Just, the vice chairman of the Securities Regulatory Commission rushed to CCTV from Shanghai◇☆, revealing an important message satin spandex fabric vegan textiles▽… polycotton v cotton denim fabric by the yard! Today•…, the high-profile Chinese crude oil futures are officially launched in the Shanghai International Energy Trading Center, which is also the first open futures variety in my country. my countrys crude oil futures have a comprehensive internationalization of RMB pricing●…●, transaction•▪, delivery•…-◁, settlement, etc▽=■△. China crude oil futures today listed transaction crude oil futures trading code is SC, and there are 15 contracts on the first day of the listing○□. The transaction margin is 7% of the contract value, and the increase in the ball is 5%◁▷◁. As of 15 oclock■•▲▲, the main contract SC1809 of the crude oil is 40,700▪●=, the transaction is 17.64 billion yuan; crude oil varieti•=.fabric mill.