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textile for packaging – ocean plastic clothing.upcycled textile:The Hong Kong Chinese Chamber of Commerce (“China Total☆-“) Welcomes the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Legislative Council today (27th) through “In 2021 Perfection Election System (Comprehensive Amendment) Bill”, the revision of the Chief Executive and the Legislative Council will fully implement the “patriotism” Governor, to ensure that the “one country and two systems” have a steady, and promote the development of Hong Kong political development. The meeting expects that the SAR Government will make a detailed description of the detail as soon as possible to prepare from three elections in the future□☆▷△. Yuan Wu believes that the new election system expands the size of the Election Committee, and increasing the Legislative Council, fully reflecting the principle of “extensive representation” and “balanced participation□◁”▼▼■…, and helps achieve good governance. Electoral Committee add.

Unaffrewable or “Amulet”? National Peoples Congress□△: Cognition Taiwans Irritance News Senior reporter Lin Ping has been implemented in the law of minors, on May 26th▪◇◁, the National Peoples Congress Standing Committee Law and Working Committee responded to the issue of the legal revision of minors. The news noted that October and December 2020, the Standing Committee of the National Peoples Congress has passed the newly revised minor protection law and prevention of minor crime laws◆•, and the two new laws have been implemented on June 1△▪☆, 2021. There is a view that the current law is obviously subjected to the illegal restricts of minors•=■▼, if it is not strengthened, the law may become a s◁▲=.

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Original title: Zhejiang Provincial Party Secretary Car Jun Meets with US Ambassador▽▼, according to Zhejiang Daily, on March 24th, 23rd◁☆•, Zhejiang Provincial Party Secretary and Provincial Peoples Congress Standing Committee Director Car Jun met with the United States in China, Tri Bu Lanthad couple=▷. Car Jun welcomed Terry Brandad to Zhejiang and introduced the main results of the nationwide and the economic and social development of Zhejiang. He said that maintaining Sino-US relations continues to be healthy and stable▷=▲-, in line with the fundamental interests of the two peoples, and is also conducive to world peace and stability and prosperity▽□. Zhejiang is open to the big province, close to US economic and trade cooperation, you have me, I have you, realize a win-win situation, and the cooperative space is also very broad. I hope that Mr. Ambassador will cooperate more attention and support to the area of ​​Zhejiang Midea, investment, education, culture, and promote cooperation between the two parties. Scre▲▷◇.