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oceanworks:Original title: One year, six cities, “China 1927” innovation method tells historical sources▲…◇: film tongue March 2 morning■○■, by the Beijing Municipal Committee Propaganda Department, Beijing TV Station “Archives” column under construction six episodes large-scale documentary ” China 1927 “, held a film in Beijing TV▪○-. Expert scholars◇◇, troops◇●-▷, college students from party history■▪, military, social science, and media•-, and more than 30 media reporters have watched some of the dramas of this documentary, and from content conception◆•◇★, practical significance and shooting techniques. Aspects have analyzed and interpreted “China 1927▲■▪◆”•△□•. The six episodes of large-scale documentary “China 1927” will be connected to the two episodes of Beijing Satellite TV at 22:15 on March 5th to 7th, using a new expression method◇○, telling the most complex history, interpretati.

Original title●-●: Media: Defined Mei Mao Xiaofeng△▪, who received bribery★▷, helped the boss from the public security bureau “fishing▷□-●”, “fishing” Further disclosure. A decision announced by the Chinese referee document network showed that the original chairman of Shenzhen Guanxin Mining Group, Moumou, who has also made bribes from Mao Xiaobing accounting 541.88888 million yuan●■=●. Changan Street ICAP (WeChat ID: Capitalnews) found that Macou and Mao Xiaoping met in 1995○•, and the relationship is full. What extent is the two relationships? According to Macou, around 2009, one of his friends was taken to the pornographic activity by the public security organ in Xining▼▲. He gave the Mao of Xining Mayo△•.

Science and Technology Daily•●, Media Reporter: Wan Minister Hello, ▲■”Double Creative●◇★” is a social hotspot◆▲…, is also one of the topics of the Technology Daily in recent years•○▪. The -■-“Government Work Report◆=” proposed to promote the entrepreneurial industry, and create a “double creation” upgrade version. If you have a specific measures? Thank you. Wan Steel: I just briefly introduced the situation of “double-creating■◁” development. I have gone a lot of public space in these years. I have met a lot of young people in this opportunity▽●••. I think “double creation” is a great platform for young people to achieve their dreams. Where you are all young, you feel lively. “Double Creative” is a big stage, big platform that promotes economic transformation and development, now our colleges, especially enterpris?red satin cloth – reusable nylon shopping bags.