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technical fabric:Peoples Daily (May 13, 2018) How to effectively overcome the out of the peoples danger Xi Jinping, commend to the partys 19th National Report: ▷-“Our party is from the people, rooting the people, serving people◁▪, once separated from the masses It will lose vitality●■◆☆. “Practice proves that a political party, a regime●▽•○, its future destiny depends on the heart of the heart. The biggest political advantage of our party is closely related to the masses★▪△▽. The biggest danger after the partys governance is to get from the masses…=. The new era is affected by various factors, and the danger of being separated from the masses is still sharp and complicated▲▷=△. How to understand the danger of being separated from the masses▷●☆? How to take effective measures to overcome the danger of being separated from the masses…■▼△? Several articles of this issue were elaborated around these issues▽◁◇…. – Editors original title: Never weaken the par•••.

Original title: Does China will release Qualcomm purchase? The Ministry of Foreign Affairs answers [Global Times – Global Network Report Reporter Zhang Xin] US Time July 25th is the last deadline of the US Qikong Company to acquire NXP semiconductor. If the high pass does not approval from the Chinese regulatory authorities, the transaction will terminate according to the previous conventions, and Qualcom will pay $ 2 billion in the contract of contract. Can China open green lights to Qualcomm? The Ministry of Foreign Affairs said inquiries on the 25th routine reporter meeting, Qualcomm and NXP are world-renowned semiconductor companies○…△. Qualcomm acquisition of NXPs transaction will have a profound impact on the global semiconductor industry. Chinas relevant departments are reviewing the equity case of Qualcomm Company to acquire NXP semiconductor companies in accordance with the provisions of the anti-monopoly law. “During the review proces▽△?

Original title▷☆▽: New Defense Minister Wei Feng and the first visit, why choose Russia▪▼△○? On the afternoon of March 29, at the Department of Defense◆▲■◆, the Secretary of the Ministry of Defense-•…◆, deputy director of the Ministry of Defense▷▲…, the Department of Defense, the Department of Defense△●▷, released: At the Russian Defense Minister Shaoji, the Belarus National Defense Minister Lavco, the invitation, Wei Feng and the Minister of State Committee and Minister of Defense will participate in Russia to Russia and visit Russia and Belarus from April 1st to 8th◆●●★. During the visit=■●★, Wei Minister will exchange views on the further development of bilateral relations▽◇, deepening military sectors, international and regional situations□◁, etc◇◆-. This visit will further promote the development of defense and military relations with the above countries▷●■★. ▽▷■▽”Police NEWS” (WeChat ID◆■◆▪: ★-.