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cotton fabric wholesale distributors:Original title▷◁: Wang Chen hosted the National Peoples Congress and the US Congress Miss Congress Talk about Xinhua News Agency, Beijing March 27 (Reporter Cui Wenyi) Committee of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China The National Peoples Congress talks with the US Congress. Wang Chen said that China National Peoples Congress will further strengthen multi-level and mechanism of communication with US Congress. I hope that the senators will play a positive impact, promote the objectiveness of the US government to view China and Sino-US relations, respect each other•=△▲, mutual benefit, strengthen cooperation, control and control, and ensure that Sino-US relations have always developed forward along the correct track☆☆△. The two sides exchanged views on the bilateral relations△◇, parliamentary exchanges◇△, economic and trade cooperation□••. (End) Editor: Zhang Y.

Original title: 2018 National Committee of the National Committee of the Chinese Peoples Political Consultative Conference, Monitoring★•●: Kindergarten should be monitored, but can not be on the Internet Xinyang News (Reporter Zhang Wei) said this years government work report, to increase the supply of pre-school education resources, use Informatization means such as the Internet, strengthen the supervision of the whole process of children◆=◁, must let the parents are relieved. So, is it a good way to make a kindergarten teacher working under the camera? This afternoon▲•=, in the National Political Consultative Conference Education Unit, the National Committee of the Chinese Peoples Political Consultative Conference●•☆■, Liu Wei, professor of the Education Department of Beijing Normal University, believe that the kindergarten should be monitored, but not on the Internet. Liu Wei believes that the kindergarten in the kindergarten is monitored▲…. On the one hand, the kindergarten and the teacher protect their own means◁○◁■. When the kindergarten and parents have disputes, the monitoring can be delivered as a forens.

Moderator: Dear friends, everyone, good morning□★, welcome to participate in the 13th National Peoples Congress, a reporter meeting▪◆. The theme of this reporter will ▪★★”speed up the construction of innovative countries”. Today, we are very happy to invite Mr. Wan Steel▲▼=, Mr. Wan Steel■◇, Ministry of Science and Technology△●▲, and Mr. He Defang, Mr. He Defang, Mr. Xu Wei, the Director of the Innovation Development, answered the question around this theme. Below, we must first ask Military minister. Wan Steel: All the media friends are good morning, one year in spring, once a year and everyone has this opportunity to meet this place▪•◁, I am very happy◇▷•. Thank you for your long-term concern■▽•, support and help for technology innovation. Today is still an oldest, we have prepared a material about 7-page paper on scientific innovation progress○-. I am working her☆▽■.

Original title•★●: The highest method is highly evaluated, two parties say that Zhu Jianyong Li Dong, on 3 oclock in the afternoon of March 9, the first meeting of the 13th National Peoples Congress listened to the Supreme Peoples Court. The Dean Zhou Qiangs report on the Supreme Peoples Court, in the reported annex△○, “Doctors elevator to persuade smoking◆◁-•” and “Zhu Zhenzhen chased traffic accident escape case”. After the report, the Legal Evening News · View Journalists interviewed two cases of the parties of the two cases, and they expressed their opinions on their own cases. ▽◁•◆”Persuadie” Yang Fan: very excited, hoping to promote the accessories of the Tobacco Control Legislation Report: “May 2▼●•, 201★☆◆?