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Original title: (The two sessions were released) Wang Yang visited the Journalists who participated in the 13th meeting of the National Committee of the Chinese Peoples Political Consultative Conference, Xinhua News Agency, Beijing▼-▼△, China▪■, China△◆, the Standing Committee of the CPC Central Committee, the National Committee of the Chinese Peoples Political Consultative Conference Wang Yang visited the Great Hall of the People on the 15th Participate in the Peoples Daily, Xinhua News Agency, Guangming Daily, Economic Daily, China Daily, Central Peoples Broadcasting Station◆-, CCTV, China International Broadcasting Station▲□=, China News Agency, China News Agency The responsible comrades and editing reporters of the General Assembly of the National Committee of the Chinese Peoples Political Consultative Conference and the reporter of the Journalists and the news workers reported by the General Assembly sincerely express their sincere gratitude. Wang Yang said, as the main position▲▪, main channel, main army, central mast■▼★.

Original title: Beijing motor vehicle limit will continue for a year best upholstery near me sustainable fabric manufacturers environmental goal, black pu leather types of vegan leather! In order to effectively consolidate the effectiveness of gas pollution, reduce motor vehicle pollutant emissions, continue to improve the air quality of the capital, the municipal government decided to continue to implement the working day from April 9▷▪, 2018, continued to implement the working day (due to the holiday holiday And adjusted to the Saturday and Sundays on Saturday, there are traffic management measures in the peak hours. The relevant matters are notified as follows★☆: 1. Central state organs in the municipal administrative region△●■, the party and government organs of the city★-○•, the central and civilian and state-owned enterprises in the municipality, and the public car of the state-owned enterprises The weekly stops a day (0 hours to 24)•△□, and the range is the road in the administrative region of the city. Second, according to the “Road Traffic Safety Law of the Peoples Republic of China” and “Beijing Atmospheric Polluti?

Original title: Internet access (First-line survey · New observation of the Internet) “Peoples Daily” (April 24, 2018) The core reading a number of online e-commerce platforms have recently been exposed to existing big data “Killing “Behavior, that is◆…○, old customers buy some kind of product or service than new customers spend more. Do you really exist? “Killing▽○-” violates the rights of consumers=■? How can I balance between industrial development and consumer rights protection? In this regard, the reporter launched an investigation▼▽□●. Platform back letter – ■ Nothing in line with moral requirements, also violates law stipulates Mr. Shanghai Xuhui District Residents Tang, in order to send her daughter to go to school, I have purchased a lot of vouchers on a web service platform. I originally a discount•☆, but I cant do i…◇?