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upcycled textile:Original title: Deeply mourn the famous theoretical physicist of Hao Berlin, academician, Academician••, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Professor Hao Bolin, Fudan University△-•▷. The famous theoretical physics, Academician△…-, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Professor Fudan University, Director, Director of the Institute of Theory Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Mr. Hao Bolin◆▷, Due to death at 16:39 in the afternoon of March 7, 2018•○□•, 84 years old. I was shocked by Mr. Hao Bailin to die●▽▲, we deeply shocked□□, grieve and missed, and I was deeply sorry for the loss of such a good teacher. Mr. Hao Bailin☆▪, male, born on June 26, 1934. From 1954 to 1956•△•, he studied at the Ukrainian Harkov Engineering Economics Institute. He graduated from the Department of Physics, National University of Ukraine, 1959…☆, 1961-.

Original title□▼=▷: Approval of the State Council★▼▷▽: Undo Yunnan Qujing City Malen County According to the relevant laws, regulations, the Second meeting of the Standing Committee of the 13th Peoples Congress of Yunnan Province decided★•: First, withdraw Milong County to set up a Mron Region★△○-. The 16th Peoples Congress of the original Malen County is set up to the First Peoples Congress of Maronia. Second, the representative of the 16th Peoples Congress of March County is the representative of the first peoples congress in Moron District, with the same term and representatives of the provincial county. Third, the Standing Committee of the Standing Committee of the Malone County Peoples Congress, the elected staff of the 16th Peoples Congress of Malong County, and a special committee consisting of the first peoples generation in Moronne Distric.

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China decided…▪★☆: Comrade Yang Xin served as the Secretary of the Party Committee, Standing Committee and Autonomous Region Commission for Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region•■•. Source-△•▷: Tianshan Net Yang Xin resume Yang Xin•◆, male, May 1959, Han people, Shaanxi Xingping, graduate education◆▷•, participation in July 1980, July 1980, joined the Communist Party of China. Zeng Yi Youth League Xianyang Committee△▪, the Communist Youth League Xianyang Municipal Committee organized the Minister of Propaganda Department◇□=△, the Secretary-General of the Youth Federation, Secretary-General, Deputy Director of the City Committee of the Xianyang Municipal Committee◁◇•, a deputy secretary of the Zhengzhiyuan, the deputy secretary of the county party committee, the deputy secretary of the Sanyan County Committee, county magistrate , The county party secretary and other positions-☆. In November 2006, he served as the Standing Committee of Yanan Municipal Party Committee and the Secretary of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection; December 2011, a deputy secretary of the Municipal Party Committee; December 2013□☆…, Ren Shaanxi Provincial Department of Straight Organizati! refibrarecycled product – circular economy eco-conscious fabric seaqual material,