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distributor:Original title: Hunan a higher vocational colleges issued banned: Leading cadres participated in the new Beijing News (Reporter Wang Wei) Today (March 20), the Beijing News reporter learned from Hunan Environmental Biological Vocational College of Environment, the school Recently released a document○◁◁, facing the faculty and workers, which are stipulated, and the school leading cadres participate, and will be dealt with afterwards▪△◆•. The Beijing News reporter learned that the Party Committee of the Hunan Environmental Biological Class Recently issued the “Hunan Environmental Biological Vocational College of Environmental and Technical College on the relevant regulations on participating in gambling activities”, which proposed that the faculty and staff are strictly prohibited to participate in any form of gambling activities□■, and It is clearly defined★△◆. The above documents pointed out that the school faculty and staff have participated in the gambling activities○◇▼◁, in addition to the punishment of the judiciary•☆=, the annual target management award▽■, civilized unit awar.

Original title: The five major countries have returned last year▽◁•◇, and some banks six completed employees over the 40-year-old ticket Daily on April 3, with the new China Banks annual report, five state-owned banks were disclosed in 2017▲◇○. According to the annual report, the employees of the five state-owned banks are all reduced in the territory of banking institutions, including the Industrial and Commercial Bank, Agricultural Bank, and the construction banks are more than 8,000, and the Bank of China only reduces 96 employees, and the number of overall employees does not fall◇▪•-. In response△◁•◁, the banking staff in the Bank of Communications decreased by 1259 people. In addition•△•, in the structure of state-owned big groups, many banks more than 40 years old age employees account for more than 40%•◇, and the employees of the Agricultural Bank more than 63% are more than 63%, of which employees aged 51 and over. exce-▽…□.

Wang Zhengwei◇□, Qin Zhengwei, male, Hui□☆=•, June 1957, Ningxia concentric, in September 1976●■□, January 1981, Joined the Communist Party of China■…▲, the National Economics of Minority Ethnic Economics, Central University for Nationalities-△, graduated from the postgraduate degree Ph.D. in law○◁▲▪. He is currently a vice chairman of the 19th National Central Committee of the Communist Party of China…-. 1976 – 1978 Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Tongxin County Wang Xiangxiang Division 1978-1982 Ningxia University Chinese Department of Chinese Professional Studies 1982-1983 Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Tongxin County Committee Secretary Secretary Secretary 1986-1986 Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Party Committee Office Secretary 1986-1989 Deputy Party Committee Office of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Regi•☆▷.