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ethical fabric:Original title: Liu Yongfu=•, director of the Poverty Alleviation Office of the State Council▼△▲•: Avoiding the distribution of unfair poverty alleviation resources, Director Liu Yongfu, director of the Poverty Alleviation Office of the State Council, is accepted at the “Ministerial Channel”▽▲▲-. (Peoples Network reporter Wengqi Yu) Peoples Network Beijing March 13th (Reporter Li Wei) “How to make a big poverty alleviation resource, play a greater role○=■□, is the problem that povertodiceship development needs to pay attention to.” A total of 3 National Peoples Congress On the meeting, the Director of the Peoples Great Hall of the Conference, Liu Yongfu, director of the Poverty Alleviation Office of the State Council, said in an interview that poverty alleviation and development resources should be coordinated, comprehensive balance…▼◁, and minimize the gap, preventing helping unfair phenomena. Liu Yongfu said that the poor counties, poor people have been standardized, and the poverty group is given more help in accordance with the procedural procedure•▽▷.

Zhongxin Net Lanzhou May 28th (Hasboyl Liu Bin) For the distribution of zero resources in the jurisdiction, the base of the population of the pastoral area is large▷-, the region is wide•■•, and the illegal pirate mining mining mining■◆, theft of herdsmen, and the like. The Ministry of Mongol Autonomous County, Gansu Niuquan City, recently opened the drone to carry out air security inspections, and fully construct the stereo patrol prevention and control model combined with the ☆=•”Sky + Ground”, escorting the peoples safety▽▷. Sunbei County, located on the east of the West End of Hexi Corridor•○, Hexi, Gansu◁…◆▷, is both border counties•◁, and the largest national autonomous county in Gansu. Here is a variety of terrain landforms such as glaciers, snow mountains, rivers, wetlands•◆▷, grassland, canyon?

Original title: Guo Ji Mountain=▼=•, Director Qingdao City▷-☆▲, was suspended: Continued for 4 hours, on March 3, the CPC Qingdao Municipal Committee, issued the “Comrade” Comrade Guo Jishan “. Comrade Guo Jishan, director of the City Administration of Qingdao City▲□, and the party secretary and city management law enforcement detachment, the partys ▲★□◇”two sessions” will be held in a very common, and the relevant personnel reflect the problem-▽☆. The relevant personnel contact it until the problem is completed, and the length of the fell is lost○…■. More than 4 hours have given an suspension test and make further investigations. The Commission of Commerce•☆△▷, the Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Municipal District Communications Bureau, conveys the content to the global leading cadres through WeChat group◁△, and remind everyone to take the ring. At the same time●◆, three points are put forward▽◁★▲: First, effectively enhance political awareness▲▪■◁, improve political station.automotive upholstery – fabric ecomade!

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