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ocean garbage:Original title: 2018 National Two Sessions, Secretary, Secretary, Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs■★, was held on the morning of March 4▪◇, and the 13th National Peoples Congress held a preparatory meeting…=-, the Election of the General Assembly…◁•○, and the Secretary-General▪○◁, and the draft meeting agenda. After the preparatory meeting▽★○◁, the Bureau held the first meeting★▲=. At 11 oclock in the morning▼◆○, a meeting of the 13th National Peoples Congress held the first press conference, the Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Zhang Yucai, deputy director, walked into the venue and greeting the reporters. Previously, the Presiduary of the 13th National Peoples Congress held the first meeting, and the meeting decided that Zhang Yucai gave a speaker for the General Assembly. Zhang Yucai has become the eighth spokesperson since the establishment of a spokesperson in the National Peoples Congress◇▽•. “Government◇=▽” (WeChat ID▼•◇□: xjbzse) noted that the National Peoples Congress set up a spokesm.

Original title●=▲: Heavy pound! A new round of personnel adjustment◇▲■▲, Beijing multi-sector, one hand, Qi Wei, served as the party secretary of the Beijing Municipal Government Office●▼■◁, and Director Li Shixin, Director Wang Wenjie, Director, Ren Municipal Bureau of Industry and Commerce, Director Zhao Wen, Director of the Municipal Sports Bureau .=●■….○…○▪. Knowing the XJB-Jingshiers concern, after the Standing Committee of the First Municipal Peoples Congress, the Secretary General of the Municipal Government and the 23 Municipal Government Composed of the department-•, recently▲•□, there were several municipal councils and municipal government departments to ushered in a new hand•▼▷▼. The Office of the Municipal Government Secretary-General, the director of the General Office of the Office○•▼★, the website of the Office of the Office, showing that the Secretary-General of the Municipal Government has partly served as the party secretary and director of the General Office▷□▪. Screenshot of the capital of the capital (part). On March 1 this year, the Standing Committee of the Municipal Peoples Congress appointed Yan Wei as the municipal governmen staple fiber.

Original title: How to deal with textbook “Lao Lai●▪•”? The National Development and Reform Commission gave four response to Changanjun (ID: Changan-j): Today▽▽, 10:00 am••, the 13th National Peoples Congress held a reporter meeting in the Multi-Film Metacity Office, inviting national development and Zhang Yong, the Lord of the Reform Commission, Zhang Yong, deputy director, Ningji, who responded to China and foreign reporters on “innovation and improvement of macroeconomic regulation, promoting high quality development”▷◆■○. When answering the credit system construction problem, Zhang Yong deputy director said that it will increase the integration of joint rewards and punishments◆●▼◇, so that the uninpair is disciplinary•△•, and the truster gains incentives-▼△•. Q•▽○▼: We noticed that the entire society is still relatively outstanding in the problem of deflation▼▷▽-, such as ▼◁◇○”Lao Lai” in the textbook in some place ocean waste eco friendly fabric!

Original title■▽◆: Yang Yuanqing representatives: Implementing the entry threshold of child teachers, raising the income protection of the same work◆◁◆, the Beijing Evening News◁•◇◇, on March 17, in response to the relatively small investment in the pre-school education, the child teacher treatment and security system still treats and lacks relevant legal protection, etc◁▲◆. Question▷▷□•, the National Peoples Congress, the chairman of the Lenovo Group and CEO Yang Yuanqing proposed “Improving the income level of child teachers, and effectively protecting the rights and interests of child teachers.” Yang Yuanqing suggested that the civilian puhetic kindergarten development; implementing the admission of child teachers, protecting the same work; formulating the △●”School Education Law” to protect the rights and interests of the teachers. National Peoples Congress, Chairman of the Lenovo Group and CEO Yang Yuanqing Oriental IC map supports the development of Professional Popular kindergarten development Yang Yuanqing suggests that the country increases the financial educati.

Original title■◆•◇: I adhered to the partys leadership of the people in the law of the law of the country – the fact that the Constitutional Amendments to the Constitutional Constitution is the fundamental guarantee of the people in the people and the rule of law△◇◆, the people are the essence of socialist democracy=☆. Characteristics, in accordance with the law▽▪•▲, the country is the basic way of the party leading the peoples governance countries, and the three are unified in the great practice of socialist democratic politics in my country. The 3rd National Peoples Congress, a high-income vote passed the constitutional amendment. This result fully reflects the partys leadership, the people who are in the country and the organic unity of the country▪▽, reflect the organic unity of the partys claim and the peoples will, and promote the constitution and the times, improve the development●•△, play in the new era □□•” The fundamental role of the national charter of the Guozang, which fully implements the 19th National Spirit of the Party of the Party, wide mobilization and organizes the whole countr.