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seaqual initiative.repreve fiber:Original title: Foreign media said that China pays attention to childrens learning disabilities. Special education has been “on the road” November 9, 2017, students in Changde City, Hunan Province□▲•★. Students are in class. Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Jinhai photo news news network March 27 reported American media said that Chinas universities are increasingly focusing on childrens development and special education needs▪=, especially at the defects of multi-purpose disorder (ADHD) and Reading and writing difficulties. According to the US “IMP Pour” website, the report released by the Psychological Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences shows that more than 10 million primary school students have been difficult to read and write. Another report released by Peking University Sixth Hospital estimates that at least 5% of children have pay more attention to defects☆-, only a few partial parts have been diagnose.

Original title: How much is the companys new bank leader to the bottom? Xinhuanet Beijing on March 21 (Yan Yuxi) On March 19th, at the seventh plenary meeting of the 13th National Peoples Congress, the central bank governor candidates were finally settled. The General Assembly has been voted and decided to take advantage of the Peoples Bank of China. Its personal profile shows that the Outline has been in the Department of Industry and Commerce◆•■, the University of Hamstake☆=▲★, USA, University of Hamlin▷△, University of Hamsin, has a Ph.D○=. in Economics, and has served as a teaching assistant•●, associate professor in the US Department of Indiana University. Get lifelong teaching-▲▽●. From a global view, so far, most countries have their own central bank or monetary authorities. As the central bank of China, how much is the new sector? With the machi.

Source: Beijing Daily Original title: The Warm Development of the Party, the Central Cada, the popular discussion of the Constitution■▼▪, March 11□◇-, “The Constitutional Amendment of the Peoples Republic of China” vote, announced. The -◇☆”Characteristics of the Chinese Communist Party of Communist Party is the most essential characteristics of Chinese characteristics△◇=”, improve the system of the National President=△○•, deepen the national monitoring system reform ●•… Constitution Amendment caused enthusiastic response in the capital of the capital◇△=, Everyone said that this revision is the general trend of the times, the need for the development of the cause, the party is in the hearts of the people☆◁, and resolutely supports support. President of China Regional Science Association, President of the First Economic and Trade University, said that the constitution is the fundamental law of the country, which has decisive significance for the rule of law, and constantly improve the constitution with the constitutio.

The original title Zhou Qiang=◁: Attacking hard▼▽•, “Basic Solition Implementation Difficult” achieved significant progress on March 9th, 13th National Peoples Congress held a second plenary meeting in the Great Hall of the People, listening to the Supreme Peoples Court Report on the Supreme Peoples Court, listened to the report of the Supreme Peoples Procuratorate, Cao Jianmings report on the Supreme Peoples Procuratorate. The following is a live record=●•▼: Zhou Qiang: Five…▼▲◆, attacking hard, …•◇●”Basic Solution Implementation Difficult=◆▷★” has achieved significant progress to increase the implementation of work●□▼•, focusing on the implementation of difficult, accepting the implementation case 222.2246 million, 20,000 pieces▷●=, implementation The amount is 7 trillion yuan▪★◆, up 82-■.4%, 74■▲.4% and 164.1%, respectively■…. Promote the formation of integrated manageme?