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econyl:Original title: How do colleges and universities have issued the Artificial Intelligent Talents Cultivating the Ministry of Education issued a “Higher School Artificial Intelligent Innovation Plan”, proposing the goal of ▷=◁”Perfecting the Talent Cultivation System▲▼” in Artificial Intelligence▷○. On April 3•▪■, AI (Artificial Intelligence) Doctor Assistants tools required for doctors. China News News Reporter Chen Hao Yu In 2017▲=-, my countrys artificial intelligence field papers beyond the United States and became the world▼◇■•, but the top talent was still scarce. At present, the Canadian team in the Canadian team proposed in the international artificial intelligence association (AAAI) in the International Artificial Intelligence Association (AAAI) is only 4 seats. my country contributes not much, basic, and groundbreaking research capabilities remain to be improved in terms of artificial intelligence. As a new technical strate.

China Foreign Ministry (26th) held a routine reporter meeting▷▪-. At the meeting, there were reporters asked, on the 25th, Yuan Keqin●◇, a professor of the former Hokkaido Education University▼◁, was arrested by the Chinese government because of the suspected spy crime, Yuan Keqin○▽△■, Yuan Chengyu☆▽◆, and his supporters held a press conference. Yuan Chengyao, etc.○▼☆, I hope that Yuan Keqin can be cleaveed and released soon◇△, and I hope that the two countries can restore security in peace. What is Chinas comment? Zhao Lijian□△, spokesman Zhao Lie, said that Yuan Keqin is Chinese citizen▽△••, but for a long time, in accordance with the requirements of the espionage of the Japanese emotional organ★▽, Yuan Keqin is required to engage in Chinas spy intelligence activities for the Japanese▲●☆▼. Yuan Keqin has been approved by the Chinese National Security Department by the Chinese National Security Department because of the suspected spy crim◇▷▼!

Original title…◁◇▷: 2018 National Two Sessions 丨 Pan Wins…▼◇△: Long-term Viewing Mortgage Interest Rate is still at a lower level of Beijing News (Reporter Di) Pan Gong Pan Gong Pan Gong, the vice president of the Peoples Bank of China, pointed out in this morning, although the recent mortgage interest rate is slightly rise. But from a little longer cycle, it is still in a relatively low level. Pan Gun said that in January this year•□, the personal housing loans increased by 21▷☆◁●.4% year-on-year▷○▽. The overall loans of RMB loans increased by 13.2%, and personal housing loans were much more than 10 points more than the overall loan growth△▽. Although the growth of personal housing loans in 2017 and this year has decreased☆◆▽, it is still a relatively fast growth, which can meet the reasonable needs of the market. Individual banks are in individual time due to asset-liability matchi•▪.

Original title▽▪◁: Malaysia announced 822 page survey report, China Netizen: Look at the Malaysian Airlines MH370 flight to date, it has been rescued for a long time, but has never found a plane or the main wreck, no Find anyone in any machine-•▪★. The cause of the accident has not been unique, “suicide”, “hijacking” and so on have an endless rumor. On the morning of July 30th, the Malaysian government held a closed meeting to announce the survey report to the MH370 disappearance▼▽. The report has a total of 822 pages. There is a media claim that this report is “final report”▽◇■◁, which is expected to have major discoveries or Conclusion published. However, Guo Soo Chon, the head of the International Survey Group of Mashang Disappearance, in the conferen? high waisted bathing suits gauze fabricreusable cloth gift bags – ocs cotton ue instructure denim fabric wholesale,