eco-friendly textile – better cotton

bioearth:Original title•-▽■: Comrade Li Zirong Due to the Guangzhou Daily News Guangdong Military Region Guangzhou 25th Exclusive Cadres Resting Deputy Order, the original 55 army Deputy Political Committee Li Zirong invalid due to the disease, 2 March 28, 2018 2 At the time 34, at the Guangzhou General Hospital, the year was 90 years old. Li Zirongs body is bid, scheduled to be held at the Guangzhou Funeral Hall in the Guangzhou Funeral Hall at 10:00 on April 1, 2018. According to Li Zirongs wishes and their relatives, funerals will be simple◇▪. Responsible Editor: Zhang .

Original title: Dont blow it, dont move, who is shocked◇▲●▽, who panic, who has blowing big, dont you do? Chinese technology□●, dont blow it into the ground. The evaluation of Chinas scientific and technological strength has always been a hot topic-•▪▷. After the United States, the heat of this topic has reached a historical peak. Many people have realized the importance of core technology. I realized that I can buy it is not all, I realize that independent innovation is the foundation of the country. These are positive effects. However, there are also many mistakes and practices that are still very popular. We just clarified this as an opportunity. A common mistake is to blow the strength of China, who is shocked•▪◇○, who is panicked. Some people often give me a variety of “shocked” articles▪-●, ask me how to see, it is a bit unbearabl eco-friendly textile!

Original title●▷……: Song Chenli△▽▲, president of the Heihe City Vocational Education Center School, received the review and investigating the party secretary of the School Party Committee of the Horizontal Vocational and Technical Education Center, and the principals Song Chen was suspected of serious violations=◁, and the discipline review and supervision survey was currently being accepted. Song Chen Qi resume Song Chen•■△◇, male, Han nationality, born in 1965▼==, Heilongjiang Helen, in August 1990, participated in the Work in December 1996, graduated from the Chinese Communist Party, Harbin Normal University△◆☆◆, graduate, journalism, senior middle school teacher. 1985.09-1990.07 Harbin Normal University Political Education Professional Learning 1990.07-1990.08 Treatment 1990.08-1996…□▷□.05 Heihe City Education Commission Tips 1996.05-19☆◆▪….

Original title: What information is there after 37 years or from the name of the State Council? On March 13=■, the State Council will discuss a meeting of the 13th National Peoples Congress in accordance with the “Deepening Party and National Institutional Reform Plan”. Among them, the “National Health and Family Planning Commission” established five years ago intends to retain△▷◁◆, but the new establishment of the National Health and Health Board-□. It is concerned that 37 years later, the formulation of the family planning department may take the first time in the formation department. The National Health and Health Committee combined with a number of health functions●□…. The National Health and Health Committee will deepen the National Health and Family Planning Commission, the State Council Deepline the Department of Pharmaceutical and Health System Reform Leading Group, the responsibilities, Industry and Information Technology of the National Aging Committee Offic eco-friendly textile – better cotton! rpet fabric manufacturer!

Original title: Give the red head document▲★○, the rule of law (Jintai Rui) Peng Bo is reported that in order to welcome the “World Water Day”, “Improving the Water Consciousness of Resident Festival”-▷, Shandong Binzhou Water Conservancy Bureau and Housing and Construction Bureau 19 The joint release notice will be discussed for 11 hours on the 22nd□▪△▷, which rapidly triggers the publics broad discussion▷★☆▽. On the evening of the 21st, the Binzhou Water Saving Office issued a notice. The event finally did not stage it. Binzhous tap water did not stop□○, but the thinking of this wind wave cant stop it. We cant help but ask, the local government department ▷◆□△”said that the water is going to stop, saying that there is not stopping□◁-” where it is not stopped. ★☆” Formulate these involved in major peop?