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save environment and save earth – things madout of plastic bottles,ethical fabric:Original title: Sheng Ya Nong application retired in advance◁■=▼, no longer served as the deputy secretary-general of the Chongqing Municipal Committee of the Peoples Political Consultative Conference, deputy secretary-general of the Chongqing Municipal Committee (March 27, 2018, China Chongqing Fifth Commission Standing Committee) The second meeting passed) Because I applied for an early retirement▲▽▽▲, Comrade Sheng Ya Nong no longer served as deputy secretary-general of the Chongqing Municipal Political Consultative Conference. Sheng Ya Nong Information Tu Sheng Yayong resume Sheng Ya Nong, female, Han nationality, born in May 1965, Chongqing Fengdu County, the Communist Party of China, MBA graduate students. 1982.09–1986.07 Chongqing Teachers College Chinese Professional Learning, Bachelor of Literature, 1986.07–1987•△■☆.07 Sichuan Chongqing Shapingba District Geleshan Township Party Office Cadre 1.

Zhongxin Net Hangzhou May 27 (Zhang Yuhuan) On the 27th▼▪•●, the reporter learned from the ☆◇”14th Five-Year Plan” (hereinafter referred to as “Planning…▽☆”) from Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province (hereinafter referred to as “Planning-▲●”) News Volleyball Session, Zhejiang Province The Development and Reform Commission, the Zhejiang Construction Department jointly issued “planning…▪” in recent days□•◇, proposing the “14th Five-Year Plan◇○” period Zhejiang will take the lead in achieving higher quality, broader coverage, and the resident population is 75%. ▷▪=□”13th Five◆▼”-…▪◆: Since the development of urban and rural areas◁◇, since the 13th Five-Year Plan, Zhejiang implements a new urbanization strategy△★▲•, the urbanization process continues to accelerate, Zhejiang has become one of Chinas main population into the province, and the resident population increments for three consecutive years Rank national forefro terry knit fabric simili leather!

Original title: The CPPCC report reveals the mainland to Taiwan policy: anti-standing on March 3, Yu Zhengsheng made a work report on behalf of the 12th National Committee of the CPPCC◁▲. (Figure Source▽•▼: Zhongxin.com) The opening ceremony of the 13th National CPPCC will be held on March 3★▼☆◇, and the Chairman Yu Zhengsheng represents the 12th National Committee of the CPPCC to report to the General Assembly for the past five years and put forward the future. Suggest. In this report, there is not much text on the station, but it has deeply revealed the new situation and the mainland policy policy. In the work review■●☆◁, Chairman Yu Zhengsheng pointed out that the past five years of the CPPCC system ■◆▽◇”Strengthening the communication with Taiwans public opinion on behalf of the” Nine-two consensus ○=○”that adheres to a Chinese principle, promotes the peaceful development of cross-strait relations, and upgrading the Taiwan-funded enterprises ◆▲, Reading at the mainla dull satin!

Original title…★: Western Medicine: China will build a big panda national park scale is a big panda shooting three times in Yellowstone Park in Sichuan, China Panda Protection Research Center•▽. Xinhua News Agency reporter Xue Yubin Reference Message Network reported on March 10 that the Western Media said that the climate change within the next few decades will cause the giant panda to lose more than one-third. Taking into account 99% of its food derived from bamboo▷-☆☆, this can cause catastrophic impact on giant pandas. According to the “Pioneer News” on March 9□•▲=, China is the only country with wild giant pandas◇••. In the face of this situation, China is working hard to protect the future of the giant panda can have a suitable living environment. According to reports□☆, China will establish a big bear in more than 27,000 square kilometer.

Original title: Doing a good job in African swine fever, there is no effective vaccine source: Liaoning Daily on August 6, the Provincial Animal Husbandry Bureau issued an urgent notice requesting the province to do a good job in the prevention and treatment of African swine fever-▽▲△. All localities should carry out comprehensive investigations and emergency monitoring, strict epidemic diagnosis and epidemic reports○□○, strengthen the mobility supervision of pigs▷●■, and strictly prevent the spread of the epidemic. According to the relevant person in charge of the Provincial Animal Husbandry Administration…•, on August 3, the national confirmed in Shenyang City, Shenyang City, Shenyang City☆=, China, and the first confirmed epidemic for my country. African swine fever currently has no effective vaccine-△▲. The epidemic has a huge threat to our province and even the national pig breeding industry and must be completely eradicated…◁★. ■◆◇◁”Our province is a pig breeding and calling up the province▪▽▼. In recent years, large pig breeding, slaughter enterprises have been investing in the province. At present…▼●▪, the feeding capacity of born pigs in our province reached more than 4,0 marena garments!