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litter in the ocean:Original title◁•▲□: (time affairs) Li Keqiang made important instructions on the national land greening•…, forest fire prevention and flood control work TV conference, emphasizing the development of land green★△■=, forest grassland fire prevention and flood control and drought resistance to ensure economic and social development, and building ecological civilization actively contributing Hu Chunhua Attend the meeting and speaking Wang Yong, Wang Yong, presided over the New China, Beijing◇•, April 3●☆☆□, national land greening, forest fire prevention and flood control work TV conference on April 3. The meeting was guided by Xi Jinpings new era of Chinese characteristics, and learned to implement the partys 19th National Congress and the national “two sessions” spirit, implement Li Keqiangs prime minister, scientific analysis of land green, forest grassland fire prevention and flood control work situation, arrange deployment 2018 Annual work. Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of Chi.

Since this year, the Taxation Administration has exposed a number of typical cases involving tax violations, causing social attention. Today (28th), the Tax Administration introduced the relevant situation of taxation violations such as taxation deception. According to reports△●■, illegal activities such as vain invoices, defrauding export tax rebates, etc., which seriously disrupts normal economic order, endangering the national rule of law and social fairness, and is the focus of the tax department severely. In August 2018, the Taxation Administration has carried out special actions against the illegal crime of impacting deficient fraudulent crimes with the Ministry of Public Security▲□, the General Administration of Customs, and the Peoples Bank of China. Pay-liping△□, deputy director of the State Administration of Taxation: As of the end of April (this year)■▼☆, a total of vain fraud enterprises 3…■•▪.

Beidou Navigation certification pilot started the size of the satellite navigation industry or the ■▽◇”Economic Report” was exclusively learned from authoritative channels, China Beidou Satellite Navigation Product Testing Certification Union (hereinafter referred to as “Alliance”) has held ▽◁”Beidou Satellite Navigation Product Certification Work Promotion Conference, officially launched a certification pilot work of Beidou satellite navigation products and services including chips▼▷, terminal products○-▼…, information systems, and operators☆○. According to the China National Certification and Accreditation Administration Committee and the China Satellite Navigation Positioning Application Management Center, this move will further promote the construction of the Beidou satellite navigation product certification system▪▷●▽, which helps to improve the overall quality level of Beidou satellite navigation products, standardize Beidou Satellite navigation industry management, accelerate Beidou satellite navigation industrialization process to ensure industrial wholesale fabric – spotlight curtain ling.