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Original title: The city released a notification of the early central part of Hengshui City■◁▽◁! Recently, the first and ministers of Hengshui City passed WeChat and other media platforms, and a company publicized the enrollment work in Handan City in 2018, clearly proposing the enrollment objects, conditions, registration time, signature location and admission methods of Bengbu City=◆=. In accordance with the students registration information▲□○■, choose the unified sum of Hengshui to participate in the school organization, according to the score and the interview comprehensive results, the candidates are admitted to the registration process in Hengshui Fifth. According to the “Notice of the General Office of the Ministry of Education on Doing a Good Job in Admissions in Colleges and Primary and Secondary Schools” and “The Hebei Provincial Department of Education on Forwarding the General Office of the Ministry of Education on Doing a Good Job in the 2018 General Primary and Secondary Enrollment Enrollment Work ▲○,▲▪△◆”stri.

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