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ethical fabric:Source: China Voice Original title▲△…: Suddenly suspended by multiple mathematics competitions: It is not completely called but to regulate organizational and crown of famous events suddenly collectively organized China Voice “News” report▷●. On the evening of February 28th, the parents in Guangzhou have received the notices learned from the education and training institutions▷=•◆, and in the notice: the registration of the primary school mathematics league. And after receiving this one or two days ago, the teachers who studied them were still on WeChat to inform the parents of the parents. It is understood that the Guangdong Provincial Primary School Mathematics League plans officially opened on March 1▽▷-■, and the relevant personnel said that there is still not known whether such competition will be held★☆▲•, but learn to support the relevant policies of the four commission, so suspend Registration work=△•. On the afternoon of the 1st●□, the reporter dial◇••.

Original title: A brigade 74th group army launched two annexious armored vehicles in a sea area in South China Sea March 27•▷, the Armys 74th Group Army launched two annexious armored car at sea driving training in a sea area in South China Sea==○●, fully utilizing complex and variable weather, sea conditions, etc. The environment==△, organizational amphibious armored vehicles conduct sea-based basic driving, through a number of lessons such as restrictions such as roads•-●, floodwater○★. Source▼●: …○△○”China Army” WeChat public account Editor◆-: Zhang Yili△-.

Bridge, life, life, Yuan Zhanzhu, a boat fire, the drill□▲☆, Jiangfeng, inner, danger, Jiang Feng, “O-type◆•▲” rescue technology, Jiang Feng, a boat-•■, alert-=◁☆, Yuan Zhan, the island rescue drill, Jiang Feng, May 28○•, Hubei Shiyan City Hold a cross-regional anti-flood emergency drill. The drill is based on the current flood prevention and relief situation, highlighting the actual training, the joint command, comprehensive protection, focusing on air investigation, island rescue, rumored self-help, internal ride, bridge rescue students, water life, boat fire saving, dike dam reinforcement=★, etc△▪■. 16 actual combat subjects◇□. [Editor: Li Yu?