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staple fiber:Bridge●▪◇, life☆▲=□, life, Yuan Zhanzhu, a boat fire, the drill, Jiangfeng, inner, danger=◁▼, Jiang Feng, “O-type” rescue technology, Jiang Feng, a boat, alert, Yuan Zhan, the island rescue drill▪◇…●, Jiang Feng, May 28, Hubei Shiyan City Hold a cross-regional anti-flood emergency drill. The drill is based on the current flood prevention and relief situation•▷★-, highlighting the actual training●◆★, the joint command•◇◆●, comprehensive protection, focusing on air investigation●▪▪, island rescue, rumored self-help, internal ride, bridge rescue students, water life, boat fire saving, dike dam reinforcement, etc□=★●. 16 actual combat subjects. [Editor: Li Yu.

Original title: Ukraine first president accepts interviews with Global Times: Chinas new moon difference, not accidental [Global Times, Times☆•-▽, Ukraine Special Reporter Zhang Hao] Ukraine First President, “Ukraine-China Association” Honorary Chairman Clavuk Offices display cabinet, Porcelain carving in Chinas old Shouxing is placed. After the President was removed in 1994, he never stayed away from the political stage☆•◇, as his yellow classic office building, not only close to the Ukrainian government building, but also within two minutes walk from the parliament building. The 84-year-old Clavon is a special history of the witnesses, but also participants◇•. On August 24, 1991, Ukraine Soviet Union was officially announced in Kravukuch☆□-. On December 8, the same year▷•◆■, he participated in the signing of “别 洛 日 国 ▲◆▪.

Original title: Xian, a road▲-, due to municipal construction☆▽, the gas leak☆◁•▷, is repairing @ 西 网 March 5 news, Xian not cited Zhu Hong Road Fengchan Road cross, due to municipal construction, the natural gas pipeline caused gas leakage★☆=, center immediately Notify 119 and Natural Gas Company to the on-site disposal△▼○•. At present, 119 have not arrived▷▲□, and the natural gas repair is dealt with☆★, and it is not brought to Zhu Honglu Fengcheng 8th Road. (Xian Traffic Police Detachment Command Center) Source○★○: Western Network Responsible Editor: Zhang !

Source: Asking July 20th□★◆◁, the National Philosophical Social Science Discourse System Construction Coordination Office and Shanghai Municipal Committee Propaganda Department, China Pudong Cadres▪▲▪•, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences – Shanghai Institute of Municipal Peoples Government▲□=◁, Shanghai Social Sciences Association Organize, China Social Sciences Contemporary China Marxist Political Economics Innovation Zhicu, Fudan University Economics•□◆, China Philosophy, Science Discourse System Construction • Pudong Forum “-△◆◆•” Political Economics Academic Discourse System Construction • 2018 “in China Pudong Cadre College was held. Vice President, member of the Party Group, member of the Party Group, Director of the Party Group, Deputy Director of the Ministry of Economics, Shanghai Municipal Party Committee Propaganda Department, Shanghai Social Science Community Joint Party Secretary, Full Vice President Yan Shuang◇★, China Pudong Cadres College lo○-▷? better cotton reupholstery supplies – fabric splier ocean waste marine plastic pollution,