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Original title: Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of the Sichuan Municipal Peoples Congress◁▷◁■: Increased the punishment of the rumors to punish the Standing Committee of Chengdu, Sichuan Province▽▲◆, the deputy director of the Standing Committee of Sichuan Province, increased the punishment of the rumors in the order of the cadres, and we are very Pay attention to the integrity, law-abiding education, advocacy of fair competition■…, banned the pick-up bribery, but the phenomenon of ◁★”black” is not given to the phenomenon of “black○◇…•”. It is recommended to improve the investigation, punishment initiatives in cadres selection, punishment●▲◁, and increase the punishment of rumors, curbing this new type of incomplete wind spread. Click to enter the special responsibility Editor: Zhang Yili-▽◁◇.

Original title□•…: 2018 National Two Sessions◇◆, Henan High Court☆▲•, Hu Da…▷◁■: Judge Handling Case is to grab the tribut, it is recommended to revise the construction of the Judicial Court (Reporter Chen Peng) Today (March 10th), in ten At the plenum of the 3rd National Peoples Congress, at the plenary meeting, I talked about the phenomenon of the judge to “struggle to fight the game”◆◁●, the National Peoples Congress○☆◆○, the Henan Provincial Senior Peoples Court, Hu Daji◆▪▪, the Supreme Court and the National Development and Reform Commission to be revised Trial court construction standards to meet the needs of judges○☆★◇. ■▪”Current Trial Tribunal Construction Standard is the 2010 National Development and Reform Commission and the Supreme Peoples Court, in accordance with the number of trials in the year, these years have increased dramatically, especially in central and eastern region◆••, have serious insufficient problems, suggestio.