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Recycling:Xinhua News Agency…●▽…, Hong Kong◁=◇, May 27, electricity (Reporter Su Wanming) Gaoshi! On the 27th▪▷=▼, the Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region will pass the “Perfect Election System (Comprehensive Revision) Bill (hereinafter referred to as the Bill”)□◆■, and the relevant regulations will be entered into force on May 31-■. This marks full completion of local legislative work in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Election System▷◇•, which is also a major system of major institutional results in Hong Kong and disorderly•●◁. On the morning of the 27th▷△, the Legislative Council was in favor of 40 votes, 2 votes opposed, and the second read through the Bill▪•○▲. Subsequently, the Legislative Council entered the entire committee review and considered more than 360 amendments proposed by the SAR Government=▽◇□. At 16 oclock☆☆, the Legislative Council is in favor of 40 vote alternative construction materials!

Original title: Cui Yongyuan Angered Entertainment Circle ☆△=”Size Contract” listening to legal experts have a source•☆…: Red Star News June 3, 2018▼▷, Cui Yongyuan updated his Weibo★☆○▷. Time 10 days☆•▽★, starting from May 24△★, he has been doing a matter, and conduct “Xiao Cui said in Weibo every day.” Time, he has issued a text, and the details of Fan Bingbing million will be exposed. The exposure of the entertainment circle “size double contract■○▽=” hidden rules◁△■, ridiculed “this buddy” 4 days 60 million ..▲★…•. ▲ Cui Yongyuan exposed “size double contract” Millions of methano, such as “size double contract…◁○”=■=, etc•◇□▲. At noon on June 3, according to the “Legal Daily” report★•, because @ 范 冰冰 studio is in Wuxi, Wuxi Binhu District Local Taxation Bureau has been involved in the investigation and evidence collection▪▲▷, related circumstanc lightweight nylon fabric…◁•▪ katun twill!

Original title◆•: Yangmei Art Exams and Im thinking: design professional play cross-border, the Chinese painting is asking for the seven-story sentence Beijing Daily report on March 7th◇=◆★, ▪•☆=”Is it happy by Central American?” This sentence is rushing The students of the students of the art test are quite hot. This has to start with the examination questions from the 2018 undergraduate enrollment in the Central Academy of Fine Arts last weekend. Following the launch of the ▼-○-“whose goblin” ●▽…▼”a song” “a song▲☆•” ▼●▪”a song” “a song” ◇△▽■”a song”, the title “of the” Great Bob Di Dun “has been launched in the past few years, the Yangmei Design Specialty in the tip of the wind is no longer looked again this year. The candidates are required to visualize their visual expression with the ○●”Happiness Index”. “Compared with the previous year, I will be too kind▲◆. I have a specific image. I am too abstract this year.■▪☆△” Candidate is comparable, and once again become a landscape of Catai Examinatio.

Original title: Thai Tourism Bureau: The selection and rescue operation of the ship will continue to find every missing person, the new website◁▷▪, July 6th, the official Weibo account message, Thailand, South Andaman Sea, 5th At the accident, the Thai government has taken all measures to assist foreign citizens injured in the accident, and search and rescue operations will continue until each missing person is found. Thai National Tourism Bureau official Weibo account screenshot•◆▪○. The Thai National Tourism Bureau said that the family and friends who lost their live tourists and prayed for tourists injured in the accident, I hope they recover from the injury. For those who are still missing-□▲=, the Thai authorities are doing their utmost use all means to search. Thailand National Tourism Bureau said that although the flow of water is more turbule○▪= blue jean fabric!top textile – best mineral water,