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fabric wholesale direct:Original title◁●: Human Social Department responds to retirement policy to lead the rebate retirement whether the retirement will implement elastic system? Image Source: Visual Chinese Ministry of Social Security has said that the delay retirement scheme is officially launched in 2017, but now, the program is still not introduced. At the two sessions this year, the delayed retirement policy has also become one of the focus of the representatives of the Peoples Congress and the Committee of the CPPCC. On March 12th, at the National Committee of the General Assembly, the Minister of the Peoples Society, Tang Tao-□•, deputy director of the Ministry of Human and Social Security◁▼△▪, said that delayed retirement is not only 60 years old, but it is afraid to have a delay in the long run■◆▷. Tang Tao also agreed with the proposal of •…-“allowing self-choice for retiring” as suited to the Committee on the Committee. The news reported through media reports quickly◇▼■. Will the delay retirement be elastic•■☆? Some experts said that some employees should allow some employe.

At the 13th National Peoples Congress▷▼…, the news center was scheduled to hold a reporter meeting in the Multi-Film Merfunction of Meiya (Saturday) at 15●◁▼□:00 on March 10 (Saturday), and invited the Director of the State-owned Assets and Assets●-◇, Peng Huang▷•, deputy secretary general▽…•, and spokesperson. The relevant issues of enterprise reform and development have answered the question of Chinese and foreign reporters□☆■. The following is a text record■▽▼▽: Finance Weekly, Finance Network Reporter: The 19th National Congress of the Party puts forward to do strong capital△□, the previous method is to do strong high-profile companies, this new proposal What does national regulatory and central enterprises mean, what new changes are there, can we see this big mix like Unicom this year? Xiao Yaqing□▽▷▽: Thank you for your question. It should be said that promoting state-owned capital is strong▪◆▽, not only new and higher requirements for central companie▼-◁■!

Image Description: Du Ping, a member of the National CPPCC, in the event of the Great Hall of the People. Original title: “Hello…◆, I am a Political Consultative Principal Information Liaison” “Hello”, the Guangzhou Daily “,” Hello, I am the Great Press Liaison, the 13th meeting of the National Committee of the Chinese Peoples Political Consultative Conference=★◆☆. ” Du Ping, the news liaison, Du Ping, from the morning to the early morning, to pick up the phone from the phone from the Chinese and foreign reporters●…▪◁, the mobile phone has to charge three times a day. The contact information of her and colleagues posted in the lobby and each buildings elevator mouth, visiting the reporters need to help can find them in the first time…▼◇. A 13th meeting of the National Committee of the Chinese Peoples Political Consultative Conference arranged 18 news liaisonments in 8 station and venues for more than 3■◇,000 bills of reporters, their contact informati. textile for packaginginnovative textiles – chinese fabric supplier fabric ecomade sustainable product,