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importer:The Yangtze River and Jialing River integrated two rivers and four-shore “Chang Jiahui City Session Living Room●◇=” is one of the new business cards in Chongqing 6 city. Located in the towing area of ​​the city session, there is a point in diameter 1△-.5 cm, which is the “zero kilometer” of Chongqing Highway. Here is the reel of the Chongqing painting. People from all over the sky, can be in the mountains=●•▪, take a cruise ship=-●◁, sitting on the cableway, or standing in the riverside of the weak, seeing this “city of landscape, beautiful land=■” layer. Here is the origin of the Chongqing blueprint. Looking forward to the history of a city, just like listening to her telling my own growth story. Chongqing is the birthplace of Hongyan spirit◆★=, and it is a national six major old industrial industry built during the “May Five” perio.

Original title: She is known as the ☆○□”representative of the Ministry of Finance▽▷…”, and the performance of the ◁◇…△”sharp sister”, “Sharp sister”…•…•, the ●●☆=”Sharp sister”, who has four questions•■□, represents Fan Wei, this year, then ask the Securities Regulatory Commission. On the morning of March 5▼●□▪, the 13th National Peoples Congress opened a meeting. The governments work report is proposed▼○=, reforming the financial services system=▪▪, preventing financial risks=■▷▼. In the afternoon○▲, the Shanghai delegation considered the governments work report and Chairman of the Securities Regulatory Commission•◇◇★, Liu Shi▽◆▪, will listen to the opinion. Why is the listed company executives take millions of salary not to shareholders☆●? Why did someone abandoning the investors to go abroad and never come back, is the Securities and Regulatory Commission have no restrictions on him? The Shanghai delegation issued a representative of Fan Yi, and said, “The chairman of Liu Liu is here▪▪, it can respond”. The venue laughed, Liu Shi Yu smiled. On March 7, the National Peoples Congress represents Fan W!

Jingfa Network WeChat Board April 26th news, the first World Intellectual Property Day, Beijing 3rd Intermediate Peoples Court●▷, mandatory Chen Yu (Qiong Yao) and Yu Zheng today (Joan Yao) The case of infringement of copyright disputes, the fourth edition of the …○”Legal Daily” issued in this day•▷, published the main content of the case relevant judgment▷★=. The Fourth Edition of the •-◆▼”Legal Daily▼◁○▷” announcement Beijing Sanhalkate officially filed a case in the case of applying for Yu Quan (Qiong Yao) on January 2, 2018◆▲▷. Applying for the executive Chen Wei (Qiong Yao) requires the main content of the judgment in the -☆=△”Legal Daily”, and the cost is burden by the executed (in the positive). According to the requirements of the implementation of this case, the rest of the surroundings should be within 10 days from the date of the judgment▼■. Spring,, Le thick knit fabric mesh knit fabric hosiery textile – yoga fabric supplier lycra jeans, dobby weave fabric!

Color leaf view, walk into the forest▽△=▪, also specially built a …●”insect hotel”. On the morning of July 22, the first urban forest park “Xinzhong Street City Forest Park◁•” in Dongcheng District▪○, Beijing officially built a new garden, adding a new green, walking•▪, walking in the forest★□. Editor in charge: Huo ▲….

Original title●★: Wang Yong☆◆: Re-establishing the 13th National Peoples Congress of the Science and Technology Department held the fourth plenary meeting on the 13th of the Peoples Great Hall on the 13th▪-★-, listening to the statement of the Standing Committee of the National Peoples Congress on the draft monitoring law, listening to the State Councils institutional reform The document of the program▼-, the draft decision on the establishment of the 13th National Peoples Congress specialized committee, the voting meeting of the 13th National Peoples Congress Director◆◆, Vice Director-…■, Committee, Vote, Voting the 13th National Peoples Congress And the Committee on the Legal Committee, Director of the Financial and Economic Committee, member of the Deputy Director, and the Committee selected two draft draft. The following is a live record◇○○•: Wang Yong: (8) Re-establishing the Science and Technology Department. Innovation is the first motivation to lead the development and is the battle of building a modern economic syste.