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functional fabric:On May 27th (Reporter Wang Nina), China, this year=◆, Heilongjiang Province will build a industrial cluster, implement a whole-industrial chain plan, and build food and agricultural products into the first pillar industry in Chinas first largest province. “On the 27th, Wang Zhaochen, the director of the Agricultural Rural Department of Heilongjiang Province, said that by 2025, the output value of the agricultural and agricultural products in Heilongjiang Province will exceed 1 trillion yuan (RMB, the same)▪◆=. ★○●”The Investment Conference of Heilongjiang Provincial Agriculture and Agricultural Products Project Project△•◇-” has been held in the near future, released the “strong signal” of agricultural development – the development of the whole industry chain, and the road to the deep processing. Heilongjiang Province is a recognized natural valley in the wor☆▷?

Original title: Domestic network to visit the pornographic vulgar content, the company is involved in the company is investigated by the company◇▲☆▷: “Sweeping the yellow and fights…●★◆” WeChat “WeChat” WeChat boutique August 6 news, recently, Tianjin Cultural Market Administrative Law Enforcement Corps (hereinafter referred to as the team During the process of carrying out the special rectification operation of online games, the domestic online game “Flower Maxi” containing prohibited content violations of social morality in Tianjin Tianxiang Interactive Technology Co••., Ltd. is investigated. According to the report clues forwarded by the superior sector, law enforcement officers found through the network remote investigation, and the companys domestic online game “flowers and thousands of bones△…□★” violates the content of social morality. The game violates the provisions of Article 9 (Nine) of the Interim Measures for Network Game Management, according to the Interim Measures for Network Game Manageme!

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing May 28th■●: ​​What is the price of freshwater fish? Xinhua News Agency reporter Wei Yukun, in the near future, the price of freshwater fish continued to rise▽▼☆, according to the statistical estimation of the National Bureau of Statistics, in April, freshwater fish prices rose 26.4% year-on-year, up 9.8% from the previous month. After the price of pig prices, this wave of freshwater fish prices “How to get a gloring◁★…▷”☆◇? What is the price trend△○◇▽? “Fish Yue Longmen”■▲…, the price is rising “rising a lot△-□•! Not too good wholesale fabric distributors!” In a large commercial superwater product area in Fengtai District, Beijing, Mr. Zhang, Beijing Citizen, who came to buy grass fish, said…▷•. The staff of this supermarket say that compared with last year, the price of freshwater fish has risen a lo.performance textile – environmental protection polyester yarn fabric manufactuer,