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post consumer recycled plastic:Chinas new network client Beijing May 28 (Reporter Wu Tao) When a car slowly sang to you, there is no one, do you dare to open the door? Now, in Beijing•◆, Shenzhen and other places•◇, there is such a unmanned (automatic driving) vehicle commercial trial operation, maybe in the future◁■○◇, this situation is getting closer and more generous●▷◆=. Unmanned driving is commercialization, in the first year? On May 1st, Wujiang★△•◆, Suzhou, Wujiang, the first batch of 5G drivers bus entered the trial operation. No driver◆•▪, there is no dashboard, and the two technologies are full of Haighong bus “dark blue▲◁” driving in the shore of Dongtaihu•○▲=, Wujiang District, Suzhou. AUTOX published in real road screenshots. May 6th, a.

Original title□◁…-: Year-end summary copy-=●…, copying□△, plagiarism When the leadership team members of the leadership group, Ive been awarded the report of the statement (commonly known as the year-end summary ▽▽☆”), and 18 people found that there were 18 pieces of copying, plagiarism, plagiarism, and plagiarism-★▷☆.△◇•” Some even change the summary time of 2016 to 2017, or change the 18th big in the text to 19th, then handed over. The summary of the two years◇◇▼, the content is 95%. “This 18 The leading cadres are notified to criticize, and they have repeatedly written a statement to the statement, and pay the party secretary of the party committe.

Original title◆•-: Teaching of the National University of Science and Technology□▲△★, Zhang Mang, academician, won the worlds outstanding female scientist award Beijing time▼☆□, March 23, 2018○◁, the ……”World Outstanding Female Scientist” awards ceremony held in Paris, France. Professor of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences…▼, Academician Zhang Mingman, ancient Chinese nature•☆☆=, and other four excellent female scientists from South Africa, Britain, Argentina▲●, and Canada won this honor□-▪•. Zhang Mi is on the “World Outstanding Female Scientist☆○▼” awards. This article is from the “University of Chinese Academy of Sciences△▲” WeChat public number March spring breeze, flowing with feminine, persistent and hope. On March 8th○□, the world celebrated the festival set up to commemorate the important contribution and great achievements made by women◁▼. Today=☆◁, we will give our eyes to Paris, France▪○, “World Outstanding Female Scientist Awar!

Original title: •◆◁”Key minority=▽” must be a key (people forum) “era is a venison, we are answers★…☆▪, the people are the wonderful.” How to make a satisfactory answer to the people? Leading cadres as “key few”, need to have a key. There is △▷”two brushes”◆▽, do not ○△▼▽”two sides=◆”. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that “the leadership of more than 1.3 billion socialist countries○•••, our party must be politically hard, but also to be high.” Politics is too hard, the skills are high, the “two brushes…==○” must be available in the new era. For leading cadres▼•◇▲, political construction is the first construction, political standards are the first standard, political ability is the first ability. There is a problem with politics, and one vote is veto. Loyalty is reliable and reliable is available. Absolutely loyalty to the party is the most fundamental party. Political consciousness must be enhance. fabric manufactuerbetter cotton – innovative textiles.

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